Do you know all information Breastfeeding & its facts?

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Motherhood is one of the most precious experiences of a woman’s life. The feeling of holding a newborn is unique and very special for new parents. With all the excitement of having a new born baby, there are many questions around infant care. Mothers face plenty of diverse opinions about what is the right thing for their child. Especially the first time mothers have trouble understanding the right patterns and require a lot of guidance. For such times you have Endoworld by your side to take you through the beautiful journey of early stages of motherhood. We are one of the most well-known health care providers in Aurangabad. Endoworld has its strong reputation for having some of the best pregnancy doctors in Aurangabad.

The IVF treatment in Aurangabad provided by Endoworld is known for its world class facilities. We are always here to help! One of the most intricate subjects is breastfeeding. Women are often found struggling with the different phases involving breastfeeding and how to manage their lives and breastfeeding. This blog will discuss details surrounding breastfeeding for new mothers.

Facts of Breastfeeding

It has been highly recommended by WHO that a newborn is feed only breast milk for the first six months and it should continue up to two years after the baby’s birth, with other diet. Though your bay is eating other diet after the first six months, breast milk still has important nutrients that only it can deliver to the new born. Breast milk works as a tonic for the babies of 1 to 2 years of age. Breastfeeding is also beneficial to the mother, so extended breastfeeding does not do any harm to the mother’s body. However, if the mother is suffering through any calcium deficiency, than the doctor might recommend stopping breast feeding. Also, mothers should be careful of the kind of medical drugs are being taken by them, as many can hinder their ability to breastfeed their child.

Benefits of Breastfeeding :

Breastfeeding is known to be an important activity in nursing a new born, as it increases the bond shared by the mother and her new born. Breast milk has elements of Colostrums in it, which is known to protect baby from various infections in future. It becomes a very important dose that is supplied to the baby. Once there will be a transition from Colostrum to regular milk, the baby will be easily able to digest the milk. Mother’s milk also becomes one of the primary sources for protein and protects the baby from numerous illnesses.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding in the first six months ?

During the first month of the baby’s birth, mother’s milk provides Colostrum to the baby, which helps protect the baby from illnesses and the delicate stages of infancy, it also helps the baby to develop good immune and digestive system. Within few months of breastfeeding the baby’s digestive system will be in good position to be able to digest other drinks and food. Also, breastfeeding for the first six months helps mothers to reduce chances of breast cancer. It is of course a personal decision; nevertheless it would be best to exclusively feed breast milk to your baby for the first 6 months at least.

Benefits of Breastfeeding after first six months ?

The first year of the baby is very important for its mental and physical growth. So, continuing to breastfeed will only be good for the child. This also helps baby to stand soon and be able to speak sooner. Nevertheless, the baby after completes the first 18 months of birth, should be introduced to solid food, but the breast milk should be part of the diet as it really helps the baby to have better health.
Mothers should feed their babies as often as they get hungry, as the babies who drink mother’s milk gets hungry sooner than formula fed babies. Also, it could be difficult for working mothers to manage, but remember that the body’s touch of a mother to the child is very important for the development and growth of child. So a working mother should try as much as she can to feed the baby.

Besides, for any such queries you have our team at Endoworld Hospital to provide the most detailed information regarding any query. We are here to be part of your amazing journey.

Picture of Dr. Pandit Palaskar

Dr. Pandit Palaskar

Dr. Pandit Palaskar is one of the best IVF doctors in India. He has vast experience of 20+ years with thousands of cases performed in the fields of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility.

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Endoworld Hospital is a 100 bedded Ultramodern Superspeciality Hospital dedicated to Gynecological endoscopy, Infertility management, Neonatal and pediatric care. One of the largest mother & child care hospital in private setup in India, providing health services to every class of society. Dedicated & experienced team of highly qualified doctors is available at your service.

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