Read these tips for a healthy and stress free pregnancy
Pregnancy is a special time in the life of every lady because she carries the responsibility of bringing in this world, a new life. However, this responsibility requires a great deal of commitment and care so that everything remains good and the baby on the way finds healthy development throughout the pregnancy time. Leading gynecologist in Aurangabad says that the pregnant lady should give importance to some essential dimensions to ensure that everything stays fit and as desired. She counsels the following tips for a healthy and fit pregnancy –
- Consult your gynecologist as early as possible
It is advised as the first step! Get in touch with your gynecologist so that you get the authentic and correct advice in a personalized manner. The early you consult your gynecologist, the better it would be. It is important to note the fact that minor details and precautions could make a great difference for the pregnant lady and this could be ensured only through the expert’s prescription, says the noted pregnancy doctor in Aurangabad.
- Eat well
Eating well is the first prerequisite for the healthy pregnancy because the fetus developing in your womb requires constant supplies of nutritious food, especially in the later stage. Experts recommend plenty of carbohydrates, fruits, and well-cooked veggies apart from the daily two servings of protein in the form of lean meat, fish, eggs and nuts.
- Ensure supplementation as prescribed
Supplementation during pregnancy has now become necessary because of the modern fooding patterns sans the desirable amounts of nutrients. Stick to the supplements that are prescribed to you in a personalized manner.
- Food hygiene needs to be maintained
Food hygiene is must during pregnancy. It is important to note the fact that while some pathogens may be harmless for the adult body, the fetus development could still get affected by these. Hence maintain optimized hygiene in your food, food place, and water place.
- Mild exercising is good; include kegel exercises also in your routine
Exercising keeps you fit and also prepares you for the increased weight that you would be acquiring in the later stage of pregnancy. It also prepares you well for the birthing labor and reduces the chances of many complications.
Including kegel exercises in your routine strengthens the pelvic floor muscles that become stressed as the pregnancy advances. Such exercises could also keep at bay the implications like urinary incontinence.
- Shun alcohol and smoking completely
Alcohol and smoking need to be completely abandoned even before the start of pregnancy, opines the leading pregnancy doctor in Aurangabad. Excess use of alcohol during pregnancy can lead to FASD or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in the child; smoking can result in miscarriage or preterm birth!
- Cut back your caffeine intake
Miscarriage and low birth weight of the baby have been found through excess use of caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee. It is better to shift to the fruit teas and green teas.
- Rest is must
Your body is under increasing stress as the fetus is developing in the womb. Hence more than normal rest is advised to the pregnant ladies says the noted gynecologist in Aurangabad.